Cancellation Policy for SalesGenius

Effective Date: October 4th, 2023

Cancellation Policy

1. Cancellation Rights: You have the right to cancel your subscription or purchase at any time. To initiate a cancellation, please send an email to with the subject line "Cancellation Request."

2. Cancellation Process: Upon receiving your cancellation request, we will process the cancellation within 14 business days. You will receive a confirmation email once your cancellation has been processed.

3. Refunds: General Refund Policy: If you cancel within 30 days of your initial purchase and a money-back guarantee was explicitly offered on the purchase page, you may be eligible for a refund as per our Refund Policy. Refunds will be issued via our third-party payment processor, and any fees charged by the payment processor are the sole responsibility of the purchaser.

4. Continued Access: Upon cancellation, your access to the digital product or service will be immediately revoked, and you will no longer be charged any future payments.

5. Renewals: For subscription-based services, you must cancel at least 48 hours before the next billing cycle to avoid being charged for the next period.

6. Exceptional Circumstances: In exceptional circumstances, such as prolonged illness or financial hardship, we may consider requests for cancellation and refund beyond the standard terms. Such requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and require supporting documentation.

7. Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding our Cancellation Policy, please contact us at